• Despre eveniment 2016

    INGLASS 2016



    INGLASS International Glass Architecture and Engineering Expo Conference is taking place on 14th June 2016, at Radisson Blu Hotel Bucharest.

    INGLASS International Architecture Expo Conference is addressed to architects, engineers, glass producers, glass processors, equipment providers and end-users.

    INGLASS is about glass architecture and engineering, glass innovations, energy efficiency and sustainability. Over 250 participants in the audience will attend the 2016 edition. The conference that is considered a continous trainning program for architects is chaired by arch. Serban Tiganas, the President of the Romanian Order of Architects.

    Highly-awarded speakers, among whom the winners of the latest editions of the international architecture awards, present in the program of INGLASS Bucharest their latest glass projects and their interpretation, innovative uses of glass in the built environment, its spirit, its material and immaterial qualities.

    The INGLASS conference is a one day event with a complex schedule, including official plenary sessions, a round table, a masterclass and three plenary thematic sessions.

    The program of the current edition comprises:

    • Plenary session one –Tall Buildings- glass & structures;
    • Plenary session two – Glass in architecture – cities & commercial & rezidential;
    • Plenary session three – Design in architecture. Software. Printing. Parametric architecture – cities & commercial & rezidential;
    • Masterclass – „Skyscrapers”;
    • Round table –The Quality of the Built Environment in Romania- „Romanian Building Awards”;

    Speakers coming from 12 countries and Romanian guest speakers will lecture at the conference, together with representatives of outstading international architectural firms that present innovative products and solutions for the industry. The profiles of the guest speakers are available here.

    Our guests’ projects are winners or finalists in competitions known worldwide , such as Mies van der Rohe Award; RIBA – Royal Institute of British Architects Award; World Architecture Festival Award; MIPIM Award (Le marché international des professionnels de l’immobilier), hosted in Cannes, France; International Architecture Awards; European Property; Green Good Design Awards; German Iconic Awards / Winner 2013 & 2012 MIPIM AR Future Projects Awards / Winner 2012 & 2011 International Architecture Award -The Chicago Athenaeum / Winner 2011 World’s Best International Highrise Architecture -International Property Awards; Aga Khan Awards.

    Master class held by the author of the tallest building in Japan

    Arch. Tetsuo HARADA, senior Manager at Takenaka Corporation, one of the top leaders in architecture in Japan, the author of „Abeno Harukas” (300 meters skyscraper) the tallest building in his country, will reveal the solutions implemented and his philosopy on „vertical cities”during a masterclass held at INGLASS Bucharest international expo conference.

    The Japaneese guest will lecture also on 13th June, at the conference „New Cities” hosted by the National Theatre in Bucharest, inspirational event organized by Proevent cultural association founded by ABplus Events, and the Order of Architects of Romania, together with the Ownership Federations of Romanian Contractors.

    INGLASS will host, in the same time, CONTRACTOR event, a session for the companies in the field, contractors, structural engineers, architects, investors and real estate developers, investors in the public and private sector. CONTRACTOR 2016 is a real opportunity to meet new people, to develop partnerships, to present and to identify new collaboration possibilities in constructions and major investment projects that have a close implementation period.

    With the ocassion of conferences in June, the best project in Romania using glass will enter the competition „INGLASS Distinctions” that will announce its winners on 13th June, at SHARE networking meeting-lead architects, contractors and engineers.

    The aim of the expo conferences is to promote at the European level the best practice examples in contemporary architecture, the transfer of know-how and the exchange of ideas.

    For 20 years, our professional architecture expo conferences act as an effective platform for promoting excellence in the fields of architecture and construction, a meeting point for practicing architects, landscape architects and contractors, bringing together great personalities in architecture and offering new opportunities of cooperation.

    The latest editions of our INGLASS expo conferences had great guests that have brought their contribution to the program with presentations of their latest projects among whom: prof. Wolf D. PRIX; dr. e.h. h.c. Werner SOBEK; arch. Stephen HODDER, past RIBA President; prof. dr. arch. Tony FRETTON; arch. Dan S. HANGANU; arch. Rainer MAHLAMÄKI; arch. Gokhan AVCIOGLU; arch. Lukasz PLATKOWSKI; arch. Andrea MAFFEI; arch. Peter van der Toorn VRIJTHOFF; arch. Ósbjørn JACOBSEN; arch. Krzysztof INGARDEN; arch. Andrzej BULANDA; arch. Juan Coll-Barreu.

    Information regarding the access at INGLASS International Conference 2016 edition:

    Date: 14 June 2016
    Location: Radisson Blu Hotel, Atlas Ballroom

    Access: solely based on previous subscription and confirmation from the organizer. The registration of the participation can be made online here.

    The projects can be registred in the INGLASS Distinctions Competition at the address:proevent@abplusevents.com

    See details about the program here.

    The testimonials of the guests of INGLASS past editions can be read here.

    The participation of the architects in the conference is supported by Saint-Gobain (Official Partner).

    The INGLASS Expo Conference is part of a series of 14 international architecture expo conferences that ABplus Events has organized starting from 2010 in Romania, Poland and Hungary, alongside with the the thematic LAUD expo conferences ( landscape architecture and infrastructure); RIFF expoconferences (roofs, facades, insulation), GIS expo conferences (interior architecture and interior design); CONTRACTOR (entrepreneurs conference – installations and constructions).

    For the latest news regarding the program of the international conferences and the guest speakers, we invite you to access the communication platform www.share-architects.com.

    Organizer ABplus Events:

    For 20 years we have been in pursuit of excellence in the fields of architecture and construction, through international events organized for architects and contractors, in cooperation with our partners, the national chambers of architects, architecture institutions and associations.
    Our professional architecture expo conferences act as an effective platform for networking, business, inspiration and exchange of experience and know-how.

    ABplus Events, as Professional Trade Events and Congress Organizer, is the creator of the concept of national network of construction trade shows. Our experience on the Central and Eastern European market positions our events as one of the most effective international forums in the region, a source of constantly updated information, supporting the continuous training of specialists and the promotion of young talents.
    Bringing together hundreds of practicing architects and contractors in Europe, Asia and the United States of America, ABplus events promote projects, achievements and recent best practice examples in architecture and construction industry.

    Portofolio: you can also also consult our brochure and a selection of video testimonials from our international architecture conferences.
    We invite you to join us!


    Arch. Șerban ȚIGĂNAȘ

    Chairman INGLASS & LAUD București ediția 2016
    Președinte Ordinul Arhitecților din România

    INGLASS & LAUD ediția 2016, București
    Gânduri care rămân
    De această dată conferințele ne-au adus parcă mai mult decât până acum certitudinea că lumea se schimbă. Transformarea se face foarte mult prin arhitectură și toate practicile construirii. Cuvintele cheie care rămân sunt ”re-use” și ”transformative capacity”, punctând accentul pe a folosi altfel ceea ce există. Arhitectura și peisagistica se contopesc tot mai mult în proiecte și cred că în viitor va fi tot mai greu să le discutăm separat. Mai mulți dintre vorbitorii invitați ne-au oferit concluziile experiențelor lor. Peisagistul Nick Roozen recunoaște că ”verdele” nu este o soluție pentru orice, dar tot el ne atrage atenția că nu mai există soluții care să nu facă apel la ”verde”. Parcurile creează noile identități ale orașelor orientale în dezvoltare accelerată. Ele dau valoare terenurilor care urmează a fi construite. Criza de spațiu din anumite zone intens dezvoltate conduce inevitabil spre nevoia de oraș compact. Acesta nu poate fi altfel decât mult mai inteligent pentru a putea face față aglomerării, diversității și simultaneității, așa cum ne-a arătat Tetsuo Harada de la Takenaka. Locurile de muncă sunt din ce în ce mai orientate către cei care le folosesc, pentru a le oferi stările de care aceștia au nevoie. Categoria de construcții pe care le numeam industriale, îndepărtându-le de ceea ce considerăm arhitectură, se arată a fi de tot mai multe ori mai profunde arhitectural decât multe dintre clădirile care atrag de obicei interesul. Jesus Alberto Pulido ne-a uimit cu ceea ce poate să fie o fabrică gândită pentru oamenii care lucrează acolo. O altă lecție uimitoare prin simplitate și bucuria pe care o produce este cea a designului urban rezilient pentru a primi surplusul de apă datorat averselor la care sistemele de canalizare existente nu pot face față. Oglinzi de apă în bazine temporare frumos desenate în spațiul public preiau în Olanda aceste ape și le păstrează câteva zile, sau pe durata sezonului rece. Fosta zonă minieră din Polonia, Silezia, oferă prilejuri arhitecților din grupul Medusa să transforme castelele de apă în spații folosite, cu mare vitalitate. Am lăsat la finalul acestor gânduri în rezumat amintirea a două proiecte de pe continente diferite, cu destinații diferite care avea ceva în comun: curcubeul. Unul dintre ele l-a descoperit instalat deasupra acoperișului verde și a amenajării acvatice, celălalt l-a proiectat pur și simplu și l-a produs, pentru bucuria oamenilor care folosesc construcția

    Prof. Wolf D. PRIX

    COOP HIMMELB(L)AU, Austria
    Special Guest INGLASS Bucharest 2013


    INGLASS was perfectly organized and had very interesting presentations. The lecture I held and the message addressed at the event was: “Don’t worry, in two days tomorrow will be yesterday.

    Arch. Rainer MAHLAMAKI

    Guest Speaker INGLASS Warsaw 2014


    The reason why I accepted the invitation is because I saw in the program that this will be a very well prepared conference. My first reaction was that there is a list of very good speakers and also representatives of prominent architectural offices giving speeches about architectural use of glass. It has been a very big pleasure to be here.

    Arch. Ósbjørn JACOBSEN

    Henning Larsen Architects, The Winner of Mies van der Rohe 2013
    Special Guest of INGLASS 2014


    It is my believe that the time of glass has come, it came a long time ago, maybe a decade ago, maybe even more. I am impressed by the contemporary Romanian architecture, in average I consider it very very good. Comparing to other countries I visit, the average is very very good.

    Arch. Dan S. HANGANU

    Special Guest INGLASS Bucharest 2011


    One of the most important forces behind architectural progress has always been the possibility of coming together, to create platforms where interaction and inspiration can take place. It has definitely been a positive experience. It was a very good blend having a lot of very inspiring, different approaches, lectures, which went well with different shorter lectures in between that were more technical, showing what they are doing, quite inspiring also. I really feel that there is something bubbling in the Eastern part of Europe, which is very interesting for architects.

    Arch. Johannes BAAR-BAARENFELS

    Guest Speaker INGLASS Warsaw 2012 & INGLASS Bucharest 2011


    I think INGLASS is a fantastic event and amazing opportunity. It is so important to bring together people with this inspiration and connecting them. Everybody brings his point of view and I that is way the event is very inspiring and I really can recommend it, absolutely.

    Arch. Dragomir Dragan

    Founder S.C. D-Context Studio S.R.L.

    I think a clear message should be linked to the attributes necessary for achieving and promoting quality architecture in the context of the current sociopolitical Romania. Among this attributes, a must have are, perseverance, consistency and especially patience.

    Arch. Mariusz ŚCISŁO

    Co-organizer of the Polish editions of INGLASS


    It was a very good combination of fresh designers who are somewhere at the beginning or in full swing of their career and who allow us, in fact, to anticipate the future. What pleased me very much was that the public had the opportunity to see what it means to put in the effort to produce quality interiors, as the speakers presented their projects behind the scenes, where we saw huge labour, which one must be both driven and subtle to understand when decoding the result.

    Another thing that I find important is that this conference highlights the exceptions and things that can be inspiring, models to follow. The world does not know them, does not see them and this justifies the public’s appetite for this conference. A great benefit is also its educational role.

    Arch. Şerban ŢIGĂNAŞ

    Co-organizer of the Romanian editions of INGLASS


    I think the conference has exceeded the expectations of many and my explanation is that the format of the conference has been practised in Romania. After the 10 similar expo conferences that have taken place in Bucharest, an equilibrium has been reached, a science of compatible with each other, with the subject, with the expectations of the audience, and I think this is a good time to come to Poland, to export this event.

    I believe that things have started very well, I am extremely curious to see how they will continue. In Bucharest, I have followed the audience and found that it always consisted of a devoted public, certain people, certain faces that I would always see, which means something, and always new people as well. I am very curious to see how the Polish will act. Polish architecture is very interesting, and for me, as a Romanian, even though I know quite a lot about European architecture, visiting Poland has been relevant.

    Ferenc MAKOVÉNYI

    Member of the Board of the Chamber of Hungarian Architects

    Guest Speaker INGLASS Budapest 2015
    The Chamber of Hungarian Architects is glad, that INGLASS conference is here in our city, it is the highest professional gathering for architects, dealing with the material glass.

    We support all professional education and conference, which are in favor of our members. The conference is is an opportunity for every registered architect.

    Arch. Krzysztof INGARDEN

    President of Ingarden & Ewy Architects, Poland
    Keynote Speaker INGLASS Bucharest 2015


    It was a big pleasure to come to the conference. It was my first visit to Bucharest so I was very excited to be here and very excited about the architecture conference in which I could understand some of the problems that Romanian architects and urban planners have.
    Some of the issues are quite similar with what we experience in Poland, so we can understand the situation. I am really fascinated with the architecture of the city and with the organization of the conference. I think the presentations were coherent. I would like to see more from contemporan architecture in Bucharest and Romania, because of many subject touching the urban problems and planning problems.

    Arch. Andrzej BULANDA

    Principal of Bulanda Mucha Architects
    Guest Speaker INGLASS Bucharest 2015


    I admired the hospitallity and the additional program of INGLASS expo conference. The presentations were really interesting due to the level of the subjects spread out very well, from architecture to teaching. I think everyone could find everything for himself.

    Arch. Șerban ȚIGĂNAȘ

    President of OAR, Co-organizer of INGLASS and LAUD Expoconferences

    Anul acesta INGLASS și LAUD s-au îngemănat într-o conferință dublă cu un trunchi comun, abordând arhitectura alături de peisagistică și design urban. Ca de obicei invitații străini și din țară au fost selectați după criteriul relevanței lor pe scena actuală a arhitecturii, certificată de premii și distincții. Intervențiile din conferință au abordat două unghiuri complementare, cel al prezentărilor de proiecte și cel al problematizărilor fenomenologice.

    Invitații speciali ne-au oferit experiențe excepționale prin peisajele parcurilor postindustriale realizate de Peter Latz, arhitectura sublimată a serelor și grădinilor botanice ale lui Peter van der Toorn Vrijthof, noua arhitectură de excelentă calitate din Polonia, adusă de Andrzej Bulanda și Krzysztof Ingarden, rafinamentul și inovația spaniolilor prin Maria Gonzales și Juan Coll-Barreu, vești bune din Turcia de la Gül Güven și încă multe altele.

    Arhitecții din România consacrați sau foarte tineri dar cu realizări remarcate, au compus o perspectivă asupra zonei de reușite ale proiectelor recente. Constantin Gorcea, Adrian Spirescu, Călin Alexandru, Vlad Drăghescu, Marius Lucian Luță, Liviu Marian Fabian, Ștefan Paskucz, Eugen Pănescu, Szabolcs Korodi și alții au punctat cu proiectele lor din zona arhitecturii și a spațiului public. Acțiunile recente ale arhitecților de la filiala ordinului din București, coordonați de Șerban Sturdza, au fost prezentate de Vlad Cătună și Tudor Elian. Numitorul lor comun este adresarea către comunitățile din cartiere. Au problematizat profesorii Alexandru Sandu, care invocă absența cercetării consistente în urbanism, și Tiberiu Florescu care descrie școala de urbanism de la București în ascensiune, producând însă specialiști pe care administrațiile care ar avea mare nevoie de ei nu îi angajează, arhitectul șef al Bucureștiului Gheorghe Pătrașcu și Vera Marin, care au relevat nevoia imperioasă de schimbare radicală a legislației pentru urbanism și faptul că Bucureștiul nu profită de avantajele și contextul economic pe care îl traversează.

    Am încercat să adaug concluziile mele despre mediul românesc care formează și influențează calitatea construirii. Nu mai suntem în tranziție, situația fiind stabilizată, însă prost și avem nevoie de o mutație care însemnă regândirea completă a proceselor de construire și un nou pachet legislativ care să nu mai fie doar peticirea celui existent pe măsură ce noi derapaje și rateuri conduc la practici complet indezirabile. Am anunțat că Ordinul Arhitecților din România a invitat și primit răspunsul asociațiilor profesionale ale inginerilor și antreprenorilor din construcții pentru a se reuni în eforturile de a crea un cadru nou pentru construcții. Conferința a fost un prilej perfect pentru a argumenta și transmite această decizie importantă pentru perioada care urmează.

    Arch. Peter van der Toorn VRIJTHOFF

    Special Guest, Partner at ALLDESIGN, The Netherlands

    I was surprised that Warsaw was an interesting city but Bucharest is also an interesting city. If you walk outside, it has the athmosphere of Paris, and even the athmosphere of Budapest. I think it is an invitation to come back for a few days in Bucharest. For the Master Class, I calculated that it was one hour and a little bit and in that time all kind of information were coming up, so I found out that I have to be more disciplined. The feedback at the university was fantastic. Everything was ok.

    Arch. Gül GÜVEN

    Guest Speaker, Founder VEN Architecture, Turkey

    I am happy to be here. It is a good and big organization. There are three conferences in Bucharest, Warsaw and Budapest and I attended only two conferences and it is a beautiful experience.

    Mrs. Carmen Pascu

    Aluprof Romania

    It is a very well organized conference from start to finish. Everything was organized including the continuity, lunch, coffee break, everything was super. Generally, the contact and the relationships with people are very helpful, because, in the end, beyond the sites, presentations and leaflets, what matters is the contact with the participants, speakers and with people in general.

    Mrs. Petra Takacova


    This is the first time we are main partners at INGLASS, I never participated before at INGLASS and I can only compare with the May INGLASS in Warsaw. Here, in Bucharest, there are more partners, it is more crowded here in the corridor, there were more people at the beginning of the program. We were pleased that there were people and that many architects came and they were interested.

    Arch. Juan Coll-Barreu

    Guest Speaker, Director at Coll-Barreu Arquitectos, Spain

    I liked the conference. I must congratulated the organizers for their perfect organization and for the congress. This was a very good thing, because the speakers were relaxed and they were feeling very well. I think the models between the speakers and the responses are good, because there are a lot of interesting topics. I enjoyed to present and I think that four or five minutes of feedback included in the presentation would have improved our presentation, the topics.

    Arch. Ósbjørn JACOBSEN

    Henning Larsen Architects, The Winner of Mies van der Rohe 2013, Special Guest of INGLASS

    One of the most important forces behind architectural progress has always been the possibility of coming together, to create platforms where interaction and inspiration can take place. It has definitely been a positive experience. It was a very good blend having a lot of very inspiring, different approaches, lectures, which went well with different shorter lectures in between that were more technical, showing what they are doing, quite inspiring also. I really feel that there is something bubbling in the Eastern part of Europe, which is very interesting for architects.

    Piotr KOMALA

    Marketing and Innovations Director, Saint-Gobain Glass, Official Partner

    It was a big opportunity to meet in one place so many people. It is a big challenge for us today to combine our forces for close cooperation between architects, glass producers and investors, to reach the ambitious goals of our customers. They are looking for better parameters, better design, performance, looking for a good service and smart communication, and to reach these dreams we have to combine forces and work together.

    Markus PLETTAU

    Regional Market leader, High Performance Building Solutions at Dow Corning, Speaker and Partner

    I am positively surprised to see that there are so many architects, that there are engineering companies as well, sharing all their knowledge. It is good to see the other side because we are coming from the industry and we have had an inside-out look from time to time in this kind of events. It is a really nice event, a lot of interest is generated through all these presentations. I am excited to see there is so much interest in the innovations we have presented today.

    Wolfgang RIEDER

    Rieder Group, Speaker and Sponsor

    The conference has been very good. I am astonished to having so many architects here, I am looking forward to conversation leads, whatever comes out of this conference. I am always positive, I hope my speech will be remembered, I tried to be really focused on what people are interested in. It is a great opportunity to spread the word, to get the news out. Many of my colleagues and speakers already did a kind of seeking for questions which need to be answered. The audience kind of steer you in a certain direction.